Judicial Conduct Commission

Judicial Conduct Commission

Resolution No. LOCS-19-18 Relating to Law and Order Committee; Approving Rules and Regulations Governing Delegation of Authority from the Law and Order Committee to the Judicial Conduct Commission on the Screening of Applicants and Recommendations for Probationary Appointment of Judges and Justices; As set forth at 2 N.N.C. §§601(B)(7) and (B)(7)(a); Amending the Plan of Operation for the Judicial Conduct Commission

Navajo Nation Code

Title 7
§ 421. Establishment
The Judicial Conduct Commission is established as an independent commission receiving administrative support and assistance from the Judicial Branch of the Navajo Nation.
§ 422. Purposes and powers
A. The purposes and powers of the Judicial Conduct Commission are:
1. To enhance public confidence in the Navajo Nation Judiciary by providing a fair, impartial and expeditious forum to hear complaints and grievances against Navajo Nation Justices and Judges involving alleged violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct, personnel policies for Justices and Judges, and any other Navajo Nation laws or policies that set standards of ethics and conduct for Justices and Judges.
2. To investigate or direct the investigation of complaints or grievances against Justices and Judges;
3. To make findings and recommend sanctions, as appropriate; and
4. To forward recommendations for suspension or removal of Justices and Judges to the Judiciary Committee and to the Chief Justice.
B. The Judicial Conduct Commission shall refer all complaints not properly before the Judicial Conduct Commission to the proper authorities, such as the Chief Prosecutor, the Ethics and Rules Office, or the Disciplinary Committee of the Navajo Nation Bar Association, as necessary.
C. The Judicial Conduct Commission shall develop and recommend its Plan of Operation, rules, policies and procedures, and operating budget, for approval by the Judiciary Committee, the Budget and Finance Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council, as necessary.
§ 423. Composition and personnel
A. Composition. The Judicial Conduct Commission shall consist of five members serving staggered four year terms.
1. One member shall be a sitting or retired federal or state court Justice or Judge in good standing in their respective jurisdiction selected by the Justices and Judges of the Navajo Nation Courts.
2. One member shall be a retired Navajo Nation Justice or Judge in good standing with the Navajo Nation Bar Association selected by the Justices and Judges of the Navajo Nation Courts.
3. Two members shall be regular or inactive members of the Navajo Nation Bar Association in good standing with no pending disciplinary proceedings against them and who have not been formally reprimanded or suspended within a four consecutive year period prior to their selection, selected by the voting membership of the Navajo Nation Bar Association. The NNBA-selected members shall not be retired or removed Justices or Judges of the Navajo Nation Courts.
4. One member shall be a member of the Navajo Nation public selected by the Judiciary Committee of the Navajo Nation Council from among applicants submitting letters of interest and resumes to the Judiciary Committee. The Judiciary Committee selected member shall not be a current NNBA member, nor a sitting, retired, or removed Justice or Judge of the Navajo Nation or any other jurisdiction.
B. Personnel. The Judicial Conduct Commission shall receive administrative support and assistance from the Judicial Branch of the Navajo Nation and shall hire personnel and approve Commission expenditures as provided for in the Judicial Conduct Commission Plan of Operation and the Navajo Nation operating budget.
§ 424. Legislative oversight
The Judicial Conduct Commission shall operate pursuant to a Plan of Operation and policies and procedures recommended by the Judicial Conduct Commission and approved by the Judiciary Committee of the Navajo Nation Council.
  • Hon. Robert Yazzie, Chairman
  • Dr. Manley Begay, Vice Chairman
  • Hon. Raymond D. Austin
  • William R. Battles
  • Rhonda Tuni

Previous Members

Hon. Troy Eid (Member from 2016-2019)
Hon. William Thorne (Member from 2016-2020)
Judy Apachee, Esq. (Member from 2016-2023)

January 21, 2021: The Judicial Conduct Commission has a meeting January 23, 2021 at 10 a.m. via Free Conference Call.

The Judicial Conduct Commission has a meeting on October 16, 2020, at 2 p.m. via WebEx.

July 6, 2020. The Judicial Conduct Commission has a meeting on July 7, 2020, at 1 p.m.

The Judicial Conduct Commission has scheduled a work session and meeting for March 14-15, 2019, at the Hispano Chamber of Commerce, Albuquerque, N.M.

The Law and Order Committee has voted to delegate its authority to screen and recommend applicants for judge and justice of the Navajo Nation to the Judicial Conduct Commission. The Committee voted on September 17, 2018, 3 in favor and 0 opposed. The resolution will be posted once it is available.

The Judicial Conduct Commission has scheduled a work session for August 16-17, 2018, and a meeting for August 17, 2018, at Twin Arrows, Navajo Nation (Arizona).

The Judicial Conduct Commission will be meeting May 18, 2018, for a work session in Albuquerque, N.M., and a meeting in To'hajiilee, N.M.

The Judicial Conduct Commission will be meeting April 5-6, 2018 for a work session and meeting in Window Rock, Arizona.

February 1, 2018: Judicial Conduct Commission members Troy Eid, Manley Begay, Judy Apachee and William Thorne

The Judicial Conduct Commission will be meeting February 1-2, 2018, at Twin Arrows, Arizona.

The next Judicial Conduct Commission work session and meeting will take place December 7, 2017, at Twin Arrows, Arizona.

Judicial Conduct Commission Chairman Robert Yazzie provided a written and oral report to the Budget and Finance Committee on September 28, 2017, giving a brief history and updating on the accomplishments of the Judicial Conduct Commission.

On June 19, 2017, the Law and Order Committee approved Legislation No. 0210-17, approving the plan of operations and the rules and procedures for the Judicial Conduct Commission.

Legislation to approve the plan of operations and the rules and procedures have been introduced to the legislative process. Legislation No. 0210-17, sponsored by Edmund Yazzie, is assigned to the Law and Order Committee.

ABOVE: Judicial Conduct Commission Chairman and former Chief Justice Robert Yazzie delivers a report on the JCC to the Navajo Nation Bar Association at its annual conference June 8, 2017.

The Judicial Conduct Commission is scheduled to give a report during the annual Navajo Nation Bar Association Conference on June 8, 2017, at Twin Arrows, Arizona. The agenda is posted on the Navajo Nation Bar Association website.

The Judicial Conduct Commission will be holding a work session and meeting on June 6-7, 2017, at Twin Arrows, Arizona. This will include a work session with the Law and Order Committee of the Navajo Nation Council.

The Judicial Conduct Commission will be holding a work session/meeting on April 12-13, 2017, in Albuquerque, N.M. This will include a work session with the Law and Order Committee of the Navajo Nation Council.

The Judicial Conduct Commission will be holding a work session/meeting on January 12-13, 2017, in Albuquerque, N.M.

July 14, 2016: The Judicial Branch of the Navajo Nation announces that the Judicial Conduct Commission has been fully seated with five members appointed per 7 N.N.C. § 423. The five members are Hon. William Thorne, Hon. Robert Yazzie, Judy R. Apachee, Esq., Hon. Troy Eid, and Dr. Manley Begay. The Commission makes findings and recommendations on complaints on Navajo Nation judges that are referred to it. Complaints must first be made in writing to the Chief Justice, who is the administrative head of the Judicial Branch.

c/o Government Relations Officer
P.O. Box 2891
Window Rock, AZ 86515

Note: This address is not for individual Judicial Conduct Commission members. Please do not send correspondence to this address that is not related to the Judicial Conduct Commission. If there is mail specifically for the Commission, please address to the "Judicial Conduct Commission" and the assigned staff will open the correspondence and make available to the Commission members.