Domestic Violence Proceedings

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Navajo Rules for Domestic Violence Proceedings
These rules were approved by the Judicial Conference of the Navajo Nation in Resolution No. 92AUG01 on August 21, 1992, and by the Judiciary Committee of the Navajo Nation Council in Resolution No. JCO-13-92 on October 2, 1992. They were adopted by the Navajo Nation Supreme Court on June 25, 1993. They became effective on October 2, 1993.
Please note that the Domestic Abuse Protection Act of 1993 applies. Note that these rules were adopted prior to DAPA. Where these rules and DAPA conflict, DAPA applies.
RULE 1.1 Authority.
RULE 1.2 Purposes.
RULE 1.3 Law Applied.
Pursuant to 7 N.T.C. § 204, the law which applies to domestic violence matters includes, but is not limited to, the following principles:
(a) Equal Rights Clause. 1 N.T.C. § 3 prohibits the denial or [abridgment] of rights under the law on account of sex; violence on the basis of sex and sexual harassment as a tort shall be remedied under these rules.
(b) Tort Law. Domestic or family violence is a tort, and the court may apply principles of tort law to determine whether there should be remedy for assault, battery, the intentional infliction of emotional distress, or any other outrageous conduct, as measured by the values and moral standards of the Navajo People.
(c) Equity. The court may apply principles of equity to grant relief and enter protective orders (including temporary restraining orders, preliminary injunctions and permanent injunctions) by balancing the likelihood of future injury and personal hardship to the parties, and using standards of fairness and substantial justice to regulate the conduct of the parties.
(d) Peace Bonds. The court may apply the common law of peace bonds to require that persons give a pledge under oath to refrain from future acts of domestic violence, and provide a bond or other surety to assure the pledge is kept.
(e) Criminal Law. The court may impose reasonable conditions of release pending trial and impose conditions or release pending trial and impose conditions of sentence pursuant to 17 N.T.C. §§ 1817(c) and 220(c). The court may enter any order against a defendant to make a victim of a crime of domestic violence whole and to assure protection from future acts of domestic violence.
(f) Navajo Common Law. The court may apply principles of Navajo common law, including but not limited to the prohibition against the use of force, coercion and intimidating; talking things out; family and group discussions; and planning or an appropriate resolution of the underlying causes of domestic violence.
RULE 1.4 Informal Proceedings.
RULE 1.5 Definition of Domestic Violence.
For the purposes of these rules, domestic violence is any act, which injures, intimidates or places another in fear of future injury. It includes, without limitation, any act of physical violence, harassment, sexual harassment, or the intentional infliction of emotional distress against a person in a special relationship. Those relationships include, without limitation, spouses, children, family members, clan members, people living together in the same household or immediate residence area, individuals in affectionate relationships, and co-employees. People who deserve special protection include pregnant women, children, the elderly, handicapped or disabled persons, and those who cannot protect or care for themselves. This definition shall be liberally construed to provide protection against conduct, which injures or intimidates another in a close, special, or continuing relationship.
The foregoing definition of domestic violence under general principles of American law shall be supplemented by the Navajo common law definition and principles; that there are special reciprocal relations among spouses and family members, and that where the parties fall out of harmony, they must proceed in a cautious way with each other (hozhogo). Any definition of domestic violence must be read in such a way as to identify instances of disharmony and the means to restore hozho.
RULE 2.1 Jurisdiction of the District Court.
RULE 2.2 Jurisdiction of the Family Court.
RULE 2.3 Peacemaker Court.
RULE 2.4 Forum Shopping.
RULE 2.5 Standing.
Any person who is directly affected by an act of domestic violence, next friends, and persons or entities with the zone of injury of an act of domestic violence may petition a court for relief or participate in criminal proceedings.
(a) Victims. Any victim of an act of domestic violence may petition the family court for civil relief or seek relief in district court criminal proceedings.
(b) Next Friends. Any persons may petition a court for civil relief or participate in criminal proceedings as a next friend to the victim, including family members, attorneys or counsel, guardians, or agencies or entities, which serve the affected person. By way of illustration, a family member may seek relief on behalf of a relative, child or elder; the Navajo Nation Division of Social Services, Navajo Housing Authority, or any social services program or shelter, may seek relief on behalf of a client or program participant.
(c) Affected Persons or Entities. Any person or entity who or which is affected by domestic violence may seek relief. By way of illustration, family members who are within the zone of injury of domestic violence or who are threatened by an individual committing any act of domestic violence may seek relief. Any Navajo agency or entity and any private social service agency or battered women’s shelter, which finds its program operations are affected by any act of domestic violence, may petition for relief on its own behalf. By way of illustration, where the Navajo Housing Authority finds that the peace and quiet enjoyment of residents is affected by acts of domestic violence, it may seek relief on behalf of neighboring residents. A battered women’s shelter may seek relief for clients or workers.
RULE 2.6 Standard of Proof.
RULE 2.7 Place of Occurrence.
RULE 2.8 Spousal Immunity.
RULE 2.9 Spousal Privilege.
RULE 2.10 Hearsay.
There is a limited exception to the hearsay rule in domestic violence cases, as follows:
(a) Criminal Actions. The court may receive and consider hearsay evidence to impose conditions of release or sentence. Orders of release or sentences may be based upon police reports, home studies, affidavits, written submissions to the court or other writings, but the defendant shall have an opportunity to receive a copy of any written submission to rebut its contents. A defendant may rebut any information received by the court by proffer or assertion, or through counsel.
(b) Civil Actions. The court may receive and consider hearsay evidence for the issuance of ex parte orders or to frame orders or decrees.
(c) Use Immunity. Any statement or declaration by a person in a civil action or criminal pretrial proceeding may not be subsequently used for purposes of determining guilt in a criminal prosecution. Criminal defendants shall have use immunity for any statement given in a prior civil or criminal proceeding. This rule does not apply to actions for perjury, making false statements, or contempt of court, or to information provided following a knowing and intelligent waiver of the right to remain silent.
(d) Scientific Literature. The court may take judicial notice of reliable scientific literature on domestic violence.
(e) Other Acts Against A Victim. The court may consider a prior act against a victim, by any person, to fashion relief.
RULE 2.11 Intoxication as a Defense.
RULE 2.12 Pro Se Proceedings and Counsel.
Any person within the meaning of Rule 2.5 may appear or proceed without the assistance of counsel, pro se or in propria persona.
(a) Criminal Proceedings. A victim of domestic violence may, in person, by counsel or by a representative, participate in proceedings to determine conditions of release of a criminal defendant or to fix the sentence of a person found guilty of an offense.
(b) Civil Proceedings. Where the Office of the Chief Justice provides standard forms for civil proceedings, a petitioner may file an action and proceed without counsel.
(c) Appointment of Counsel. A court may appoint counsel for a party pro bono publico in any proceeding under these rules.
RULE 2.13 Procedure for Pro Se Hearings.
RULE 2.14 Remedies in General.
RULE 2.15 Specific Remedies.
The family and district courts may order, and the peacemaker court may suggest, any of the following remedies when entering orders at any stage of criminal or civil proceeding:
(a) Order to Refrain from Acts of Abuse. The court shall order the respondent or defendant to refrain from any act of violence, coercion, harassment or abuse to a victim of domestic violence, and any child, any elderly person or any member of a household, residence area, family or clan affected by an act of domestic violence.
(b) Oath. The court may require a respondent or defendant to take an oath to refrain from any act of domestic violence and to fully comply with the terms and conditions of any judgment, protective order, condition of release or condition of sentence.
(c) Possession of Residence. Without regard to title, ownership or right of possession, the court may award the exclusive right to possess and occupy any residence or household, including adjacent areas, to a petitioner, victim, child, guardian, or a custodian of a child. The court may order a respondent or defendant to vacate any premises or pay for a residence or household for a petitioner, victim, child or custodian of a child.
(d) Exclusion. The court may enter an order to require a respondent or defendant to leave and remain away from any reasonable defined geographic area or premises. Any person who is not a member of the Navajo Tribe of Indians may be excluded from the territorial jurisdiction of the Navajo Nation pursuant to 17 N.T.C. § 1902.
(e) Avoidance. The court may require a respondent or defendant to avoid named individuals or classes of individuals, including the petitioner, victim, family members, relatives, clan members, employers or co-employees. The order may require that there be no communication by means of personal contact, contact through intermediaries, or contact by telephone, electronic transmission or mail.
(f) Child Custody and Support. The court shall award temporary or permanent child custody, provide for visitation, fix child support or set maintenance payments.
(g) Disposition of Property. The court may restrain the parties from transferring, concealing, encumbering or disposing of the property of a victim or petitioner and to account for any disposition of property.
(h) Security or Bond. The court may require a respondent or defendant to (1) post a bond, (2) deposit monies or pledge property, or (3) obtain sureties or guarantors to assure the performance of any order or condition. Upon the violation of an order or condition, the court may require payment of the amount of bond or surety or the transfer of property to the victim or petitioner, or to the Navajo Nation. The court shall have jurisdiction to compel payment or the transfer of property by sureties or guarantors.
(i) Counseling or Treatment. The court may require parties to seek, cooperate with and complete any program of counseling or treatment, which is appropriate to the situation, and to pay any required fee for such services.
(j) Refrain from the use of Alcohol or Drugs. The court may require any party to refrain from the use of alcohol or drugs within or without the territorial jurisdiction of the Navajo Nation.
(k) Restitution. The court may require restitution or Navajo common law nalyeeh to make any victim whole for a past act of domestic violence, including orders for the transfer of property or time payments to compensate for actual damages.
(l) Reporting or Supervision. The court may require any party to report to the court, a member of the court probation and parole office, social worker, peace maker, or other official or program, or that the party be under the supervision of any person or program.
(m) Costs or Fees. The court may require a respondent or defendant to pay any costs or fees, including court fees, fees of a peacemaker or counselor, or fees charged by a treatment program or appropriate service.
(n) Masters or Commissioners. The court may appoint a member of the Navajo Nation Bar Association as a master or commissioner to conduct hearings, propose orders, or draft orders on behalf of the court, and require any party to pay for the services of a master or commissioner.
(o) Persons with Disabilities. The court may enter orders to protect persons with handicaps or disabilities, including the appointment of a guardian or conservator, orders for the protection and accounting of property, or other guardianship relief.
(p) Other Relief. The court may, upon the motion of a party, suggestion of a victim or the motion of the court, grant any other relief allowed by law for the protection of persons or property against acts of domestic violence.
RULE 2.16 Sanctions for Violations of Orders.
A court may impose any lawful sanction for a violation of a judgment, order or condition entered pursuant to these rules, including but not limited to:
(a) Criminal Contempt. The violation of a judgment, order or condition in a civil or criminal action may constitute an indirect criminal contempt.
(b) Civil Contempt. The court may jail or incarcerate an individual to compel that person to carry out a judgment, order or condition imposed by the court.
(c) Interfering with a Witness or Judicial Proceedings. The court may refer violations of judgments, orders or conditions to the Office of the Prosecutor for prosecution under 17 N.T.C. § 477(a)(2), disobedience or resistance to the lawful order, process or other mandate of a court.
(d) Exclusion. Any individual who is not a member of the Navajo Tribe of Indians may be excluded from the Navajo Nation pursuant to 17 N.T.C. § 1902 for disobedience of a judgment, order or condition.
(e) All Writs. Pursuant to 7 N.T.C. § 255, the court may issue any writ or order to enforce a judgment, order or condition to the full extent of the court’s jurisdiction.
RULE 2.17 Telephonic and Facsimile Filings.
RULE 2.18 Service.
RULE 2.19 Service of Copies of Orders to Public Officials.
RULE 2.20 Confidentiality of Address of Petitioner.
RULE 2.21 Mutual Orders.
RULE 2.22 Denials of Relief.
RULE 2.23 Stays of Appeal.
RULE 3.1 Original Actions.
RULE 3.2 Petition and Contents.
RULE 3.3 Verification.
RULE 3.4 Initial Action Upon Petition.
RULE 3.5 Temporary Order and Citation.
RULE 3.6 Hearings.
RULE 3.7 Priority of Hearings.
RULE 3.8 Failure of Respondent to Appear.
RULE 3.9 Failure of Petitioner to Appear.
RULE 3.10 Bifurcation of Hearings.
RULE 3.11 Preliminary or Permanent Protective Orders.
RULE 3.12 Filing Fees.
RULE 4.1 Victim’s Rights.
RULE 4.2 Conditions of Release.
RULE 4.3 Conditions of Sentence.
RULE 4.4 Restitution.
RULE 4.5 Probable Cause for Criminal Arrest.
For the purpose of determining probable cause for an arrest or warrant of arrest in criminal proceedings involving domestic violence, probable cause shall be reasonable grounds for belief that a person should be arrested for the offense charged, including the existence of circumstances which would lead a reasonably prudent person to believe in a guilt of the arrested party. Probable cause which justifies an arrest without warrant includes the situation where the arresting officer has more evidence favoring a suspicion that the person is guilty of a crime than evidence against the suspicion, with some room for doubt. It includes facts and circumstances within an officer’s knowledge, which provide trustworthy information sufficient to cause a person of reasonable caution that an offense has been or is being committed. Suspicion or belief, unsupported by facts and circumstances, is insufficient. The court may consider the following facts and circumstances, including hearsay information, to determine whether probable cause is present for an arrest for an offense, which involves domestic violence.
(a) Report to Police. Any prompt personal or telephonic report to a police officer that an act of domestic violence has occurred, where the report is confirmed by a witness to the event, or surrounding circumstances support the conclusion that the act has occurred.
(b) Appearance of Victim. Bruises, wounds, or abrasions on the body of a victim; torn clothing, disarray in dress or appearance, or other signs of violence; crying, emotional outbursts or spontaneous utterances of plain; and any surrounding indication that any offense has been committed.
(c) Condition of Premises. Any condition of premises, which confirms a reasonable belief that an offense has been committed, including broken furniture, thrown objects, property damage, or disarray of the premises.
(d) Complaints by Neighbors. Complaints by neighbors or loud noises, fighting, screaming, epithets, obscenities, or other indicators of violent behavior.
(e) Acts of Children and Infants. Crying, expressions of fear, or any inappropriate condition for a child.
(f) Spontaneous Utterances. Any spontaneous utterance by a defendant which confirms a report or suspicion of the offense, including running from the scene, evasive conduct when questioned as to identity, or outbursts against others.
(g) Intoxication. Any sign of intoxication coupled with other indications of fighting, intimidation of others, threatening or coercion.