Navajo Nation Integrated Justice Information Sharing Project (NNIJISP) |
NNIJISP is an initiative of the Judicial Branch in partnership with the Division of Public Safety and the Office of the Chief Prosecutor. The goals are to expand automated case management support to the courts (district, family and appellate), probation, peacemaking, prosecutors and public defenders; and implement NIEM and SOA based information exchanges between criminal justice entities. The design of NNIJISP follows a Needs Assessment Report generated by the National Center for State Courts following a site visit on March 20-23, 2007. The overall strategic plan consists of modernizing to new technologies and integrating agency systems to foster collaboration and effective communication and sharing of information within and across agency and jurisdictional boundaries. The Technology Oversight Committee (TOC) will be responsible for development of NNIJISP. On August 27, 2009, the IJIS Institute released its technical assistance report following its May 12-15, 2009 data gathering visit to the Navajo Nation justice community. Here are links to the abstract and the full IJIS TA report. New Dawn Technologies was selected by the NNIJISP Technology Oversight Committee on Friday, September 11, to supply an integrated case management system for the courts, probation, peacemaking, prosecutor, and defender in the Shiprock Police and Judicial District on a Proof of Concept basis. If successful, the case management system will then go through the process of approval for roll-out to the remaining districts in the Navajo Nation.