Line I. Gross Monthly Income:
Includes all income, except AFDC, food stamps and supplemental
security income. Use current income if steady. If income varies a
lot from month to month, use an average of the last twelve months,
if available, or last year's income tax return. Add both parents'
gross incomes and put total under the combined column.
Line 2. Percentage of Combined Income:
Divide each parent's income by combined income to get that
parent's percentage of combined income.
Line 3. Number of Children:
Enter number of children on Line 3 of worksheet.
Line 4. Basic Support:
Round combined income to nearest fifty dollars ($50). Look at
the basic child support schedule. In the far left-hand column
of the basic child support schedule find the rounded combined income
figure. Read across to the column with the correct number of
children. Enter that amount in the combined column on Line 4.
Line 5. Children's Health and Dental Insurance
Parents who may obtain medical and/or dental insurance at a
reasonable cost through their employment are required to obtain such
insurance. Both parents shall disclose to NNCSEP the cost of any
medical and/or dental insurance available through their employment.
Enter the cost paid by a parent for covering these children with
medical and dental insurance under that parent's
column on Line 5. Add costs paid by each parent and enter under the
combined column on Line 5.
Line 6. Work-Related Child Care:
If child care is currently being provided, enter the cost paid
by each parent for work-related child care. If no child care is
currently provided, but is necessary to allow the custodial parent
to seek or maintain employment, then insert the documented cost of
available child care. If the cost varies (for example, between
school year and summer), take the total yearly cost and divide by
twelve. Enter each parent's actual child care payment in that
parent's column on Line 6. Add the cost for both parents and enter
in the combined column on Line 6.
Line 7. Additional Extraordinary Costs:
Enter the amounts paid by each parent for any extraordinary
medical, dental, counseling, educational expenses children incurred
on behalf of the children, and transportation and communication
expenses necessary for long distance visitation or time sharing. Add
the cost for both parents and enter in the combined column on Line
7. For initial establishment of child support, there is no
recoupment of past extraordinary costs. For modifications of child
support, extraordinary costs may be recouped.
Line 8. Total Additional Support Costs:
Enter the amounts from Lines 5, 6 and 7 in the column for each
parent in order to determine the amounts actually to be paid for
medical/dental insurance, work-related child care, and additional
Line 9. Total Basic and Additional Support
Add the basic support amount from Line 4 and the total
additional support costs from the combined column on Line 8.
Line 10. Multiply the total basic and
additional support costs amount from Line 9 by the percentage for
each parent from Line 2 to calculate each parent's child support
obligation. The sum of these amounts in the combined column must
equal the amount from Line 9.
Line 11. Enter each parent's amount of
total additional support costs from Line 8.
Line 12. Subtract the amount of each
parent's total additional support costs from Line 11 from each
parent's total basic and additional support costs entered on Line 10
to arrive at each parent's net monthly child support obligation. The
Custodial Parent is deemed to be providing that amount of child
support costs. The Absent Parent's net monthly child support
obligation shall be entered into the space provided, and shall be
the amount paid to the state Title IV-D child support enforcement
payment clearinghouse on a monthly basis.